The Marble Booklet is my pride and joy! It is a 72-page e-book in which I share everything I know about marble designs and the techniques involved.
The booklet contains several chapters that accompany the marble training.
The booklet covers all the topics you need to know to draw beautiful marble nail art. This includes: Basic techniques for marbling, Basics of the important materials, Basics of color selection + watercolor techniques in marble design, practice sheets and templates for tracing as well as bases for drawing marble nail art.
The topic of drawing marble structures is covered in detail and supplemented with many examples and an exercise section and at least 10 step by steps for marble nailarts.
Depending on your payment method, you can download the booklet on my website after the purchasing process.
The booklet is in color and comes in both PDF format and EPUB, so that you can open it with any device, whether smartphone, tablet or laptop, without the need for additional programs. The pages for practicing are in black and white so you can print them easy out at home.
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